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Doctor Who: Rose & Mickey’s Relationship Timeline, Explained


Rose Tyler and Mickey Smith had a complex relationship throughout their time on Doctor Who, and although each character had their own individual strengths and weaknesses, the show was really able to shine when they came together. But their relationship didn’t get off to the easiest starts, nor did they have the smoothest time together – Rose’s adventures with the Doctor caused several conflicts with Mickey that allowed the show to examine some important themes of loyalty and abandonment. They were some of the show’s greatest characters in its early days, and their relationship opened many pathways for the story.

It’s not easy to effectively sum up Rose Tyler as a character, as she went through many different stages of expression and acceptance throughout her time with the Doctor, but that’s exactly what made her such an interesting character to watch. She was obsessed with exploring the universe and discovering its secrets, but she also had loyalties back home that characterized a whole separate aspect of her life. Mickey represented this other side of Rose Tyler, the side that was stuck on Earth with a repetitive job and no real purpose. Doctor Who’s early seasons did a great job of navigating the impossible balance between these two worlds.

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Before Season 1 – Rose And Mickey Grow Up Together

Although it wasn’t actually shown on Doctor Who, Rose and Mickey spent the majority of their childhoods together. Their relationship had begun several years before the show kicked off, long before Rose was the Doctor’s greatest companion. In a novelization of Doctor Who’s first episode “Rose”, it’s revealed that Rose and Mickey began dating in their teenage years – though both parties were hesitant to put a label on things. They continued this ambiguous relationship for several years, right up until the Doctor entered their lives.

By establishing their long-standing relationship from the beginning, Doctor Who really raised the stakes for Rose and Mickey. They weren’t just two random people who’d been torn apart by the Doctor, but rather childhood sweethearts whose deep connection gave the show a much-needed emotional thread. This helped characterize Rose as somebody who was lost in her own life, seeking comfort and purpose that only the Doctor could give her. It’s easy to view the Doctor and Rose as the perfect couple, but the show never hesitated to remind the audience of her longstanding past with Mickey.

Season 1, Episode 1 – Episode 5: Rose Leaves Mickey Briefly To Begin Traveling With The Doctor, But They Eventually Reunite

From Rose’s introduction in the revived show’s first episode “Rose”, her relationship with Mickey was under serious stress. The Doctor has always sought bravery and compassion in his companions, and while he saw these traits in Rose, he didn’t see them in Mickey. This forced Rose to sacrifice her relationship with Mickey for a chance to see the stars, leaving Mickey alone on Earth. She continued to travel the universe without Mickey for several episodes, leading up to their eventual but strained reunion in episode 5, “Boom Town”.

Rose’s decision didn’t make much sense at first, as she’d always clung to Mickey for comfort and support in her darkest moments – but the Doctor made her braver, and gave her the confidence to tackle things alone. Mickey didn’t have this confidence, and even long after Rose was gone, he clung to the hope that she’d one day return. The pair didn’t have the healthiest dynamic, and while it’s easy to feel sympathy for Mickey during these episodes, it’s clear that Rose was thriving without the commitment of a relationship weighing her down and controlling her life.

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Season 1, Episode 6 – Episode 13: Rose Continues To Travel With The Doctor, Leading To Her And Mickey Drift Apart

After leaving with the Doctor again in episode 6’s “Dalek”, Rose continued to pay her family and friends regular visits every few episodes. It was during these visits that Mickey began to express just how much he cared about his ex-girlfriend, often begging her not to forget about him. However, after Rose had become Bad Wolf in episode 13, “The Parting of the Ways”, everyday life on Earth just wasn’t suited for her anymore. She needed more and Mickey couldn’t offer her that.

At the same time, Rose still cared about Mickey. They’d spent their entire childhoods together, and they clearly still had feelings for one another. This was the most troublesome period in Rose and Mickey’s relationship, as they both knew that things were falling apart but neither of them wanted to let go. Rose’s life had completely changed, and Mickey just didn’t have a place in her new lifestyle.

Season 1, Episode 14 – Season 2, Episode 5: Mickey Joins Rose In The TARDIS & Begins To Realize They Aren’t Compatible Anymore

Rose and Ten’s relationship was a hugely entertaining part of Doctor Who’s season 1, but that dynamic was changed when Mickey started joining the pair on their adventures. He first offered his assistance in episode 14 “The Christmas Invasion”, and appeared throughout several other episodes, such as season 2, episode 3 “School Reunion” and episode 4 “The Girl in the Fireplace”. On his travels, he saw just how close and friendly Rose had become with the Doctor – and this stirred some serious jealousy and sadness within Mickey (who knew that he’d never made Rose that happy).

Their relationship really struggled throughout these episodes, as Mickey realized that the only thing worse than being without Rose was watching her living her best life without him. He began to question why he was even bothering, soon realizing that he was wasting his time trying to make her stay with him. Mickey and Rose weren’t in a very successful relationship, and his travels up until season 2, episode 5, “The Rise of the Cybermen” proved as much.

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Season 2, Episode 6 – Episode 12: Rose & Mickey Go Their Separate Ways As He Stays In The Parallel Universe, But Eventually Reunite

Eventually, it’s Mickey that realizes their relationship is beyond salvation. After witnessing how happy Rose is with the Doctor, he sees that she’ll never be happy living an ordinary life with him – and equally, he’ll never be happy living an ordinary life without her. When faced with the possibility to start his life fresh in a parallel universe in episode 6,“The Age of Steel”, Mickey finally says goodbye to Rose. Although it’s an emotional goodbye, there’s something optimistic and heartfelt about their separation. The strain on their relationship is gone, and they can finally be themselves without the pressure of sticking together.

Mickey’s involvement in “The Age of Steel” makes it one of Doctor Who’s best Cyberman stories, finally concluding a long-running arc that pulled much of the first two seasons together. Mickey and Rose were finally living their best lives – it just took some time to realize that they had to do that separately. Their goodbye marked a huge turning point for the show, proving for the first time that not all relationships have to end happily ever after. Mickey stayed in the parallel universe for several episodes, until the beginning of the season finale “Army of Ghosts” (episode 12).

Season 2, Episode 13 – Season 4, Episode 12: Rose Is Trapped With Mickey In The Parallel Universe

Despite settling in this other world by himself, Mickey ultimately returns to save the day in season 2, episode 13, “Doomsday”. The episode marks one of Doctor Who’s saddest companion exits, as Rose and Mickey find themselves sent back to the parallel universe and trapped there without the Doctor. With no way to return, the pair are forced to reconcile their friendship and spend the next few years in each other’s company. However, despite the privacy and isolation of their new home, Rose and Mickey don’t ever restart their romantic relationship.

This is an extremely important section of Rose and Mickey’s relationship timeline, as it proves two things. Firstly, the pair can still be friends despite the romantic turbulence that they’ve suffered the past few months. There’s no evidence of arguments or disputes throughout these years, which suggests they ultimately resolved their conflicts. Secondly, Rose’s bond with the Doctor was much stronger than anything she’d ever felt for Mickey. She spends every moment until season 4, episode 12 “The Stolen Earth” trying to track down the Doctor. Losing Rose was the saddest thing that happened to the 10th Doctor, and this proves it was just as hard for her.

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Although she ended up spending some time with Mickey in the parallel universe, Rose never settled there and was constantly trying to get home and reunite with the Doctor. When she finally got back to Earth, she fought alongside Mickey once again to defeat the Daleks and bring peace to the universe. Now that she’d finally returned to the Doctor and saved the universe once again, Rose was ready to go home – but when faced with the possibility to spend her life with Mickey, she knew it was the wrong thing to do. The pair weren’t right for each other, no matter how many opportunities the universe gave them.

Rose ultimately returned with the Meta-Crisis Doctor, an incarnation of the Doctor that was created after Donna Noble interfered with his latent regeneration energy. The pair spent the rest of their days in the parallel universe, both aging together thanks to the Meta-Crisis Doctor’s inability to regenerate. Rose had lived the important life she’d always wanted, but she couldn’t do that forever. She now wanted to return to the mundanity she’d previously despised – but she knew she couldn’t do it with Mickey. They’d drifted too far apart, and she recognized that her feelings for him weren’t romantic anymore. They had to stay separate to allow each other to shine.

Season 4, Episode 13 – 2010 New Year TV Episode : Mickey Got His Happy Ending After He Returned To Earth & Married Martha Jones

After learning that Rose had returned to the parallel universe (which Mickey now called home) with the Meta-Crisis Doctor, Mickey soon realized that he couldn’t go back (episode 13, “Journey’s End”). Rose and the Doctor were the true couple, and his return would only cause trouble for them. Despite everything they’d been through, Mickey wanted Rose to be happy – and he knew that he’d be torturing himself by watching them grow old together. Instead, he decided to stay on Earth and begin working for UNIT, protecting the planet from alien threats on a daily basis.

Mickey worked with the Doctor’s old friend Martha Jones at UNIT, and the pair quickly forged a close bond. They were married after a few years (New Year 2010 TV Special episode), and several Doctor Who tie-in materials have confirmed the existence of their son, August. Throughout their time on the show, both Mickey and Martha had been ignored and neglected by Rose and the Doctor, respectively. They both understood what it’s like to come second to the wonders of the universe, and it was this shared experience that brought them together and made their relationship so strong.

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