Navigating CES with NewsWatch
CES is back! And companies like NewsWatch are heading back to CES in Las Vegas for the biggest in-person event since early 2020. We’re expecting numbers to be back to pre-pandemic levels, but that also means we expect it to be an overwhelming experience for most exhibitors. With over 100,000 attendees and more than 750 companies exhibiting, it’s going to be a wild ride.
Trying to get covered at CES is a bit of a nightmare, especially for smaller companies. You want and need some exposure, but there are so many others vying for the same thing. So what are you going to do?
A reputable news organization like NewsWatch is a great advocate to have in your corner. Working with a professional news organization like NewsWatch allows you to cut through the noise and guarantee you’ll get the coverage you need right there on the floor of CES 2023.
“We have a long history with CES and know the ins and outs of the hugely popular trade show,” Andrew Tropeano, Executive VP of Production and Host of NewsWatch, said. “We know how difficult it is to cut through the noise and get noticed. NewsWatch can help make that happen.”
By having a news organization like NewsWatch on your side, booked to capture and highlight everything that’s going on in your booth, you have guaranteed coverage. This means no longer waiting on the sidelines, hoping to be noticed. Companies from around the world have used NewsWatch for over a decade to guarantee a return on the substantial investment of attending a trade show like CES.
NewsWatch takes care of everything from the interview to highlight your company and products. With a professional shoot crew who are CES vets, they know exactly how to conduct themselves in the maelstrom that is CES. And with experience in how to cut through the deafening noise of the thousands of exhibitors at CES, NewsWatch will get you noticed by investors, partners, and other major media outlets.
“We have been going to CES for over a decade, covering tech companies with our professional news crew,” Tropeano said. “It’s important that you capture the magic of that moment. NewsWatch is ready to help companies large and small get noticed at CES and to create an amazing video package for all their marketing needs.”
CES 2023 is being held January 5-8 in Las Vegas. If you’re going to be there as an exhibitor, contact NewsWatch to cover your booth.