Festival Promo Trailer for ‘The Echo’ Mexican Town Documentary Film | FirstShowing.net

Festival Promo Trailer for ‘The Echo’ Mexican Town Documentary Film
by Alex Billington
February 17, 2023
Source: YouTube
“Work is work, it’s not easy.” The Match Factory has released the festival promo trailer for a documentary film titled The Echo, originally known as El Eco. It is premiering this weekend at the 2023 Berlin Film Festival, hence this first trailer out now. The Echo is the latest film from award-winning filmmaker Tatiana Huezo, whose previous film Prayers for the Stolen earned a number of accolades after first premiering at Cannes in 2021. In the remote village of “El Echo” that exists outside of time, the children care for the sheep and their elders. While the frost and drought punish the land, they learn to understand death, illness and love with each act, word and silence of their parents. A story about the echo of what clings to the soul, about the certainty of shelter provided by those around us, about rebellion and vertigo in the face of life. About growing up. I love the poster for this (seen below) and I’m hoping to catch it during the fest. Worth a look.
Here’s the festival promo trailer (+ poster) for Tatiana Huezo’s doc The Echo, direct from YouTube:
From Berlinale: “A young mother runs across a mountain meadow with her children and they save a sheep from drowning. A girl cares for her elderly grandmother so tenderly that you want to cry while another practices being a teacher with just the right tone of voice, her dolls lined up before her as willing pupils. The fathers are mostly absent: as construction workers or tradesmen, they rarely share their daily lives with their families. In El Eco (aka ‘The Echo’), a remote village in northern Mexico, life consists of the most elementary things. Being a child here is an intense experience from day one, involving nature, animals and people. But also love, intimacy, illness, death. And education – at least for the younger generation.” The Echo, also known as El Eco in Spanish, is directed by the acclaimed Mexican-Salvadoran filmmaker Tatiana Huezo, of the films El Lugar Más Pequeño, The Empty Classroom, Tempestad, and Prayers for the Stolen previously. It’s produced by Dalia Reyes and Tatiana Huezo. This is premiering at the 2023 Berlin Film Festival this month in the Encounters section. No other release dates are set – stay tuned for updates.
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